analysis of organic residues from pottery reveals lipids
Dairy produce from the high Alps
is today of enormous economic and cultural importance to the region. The recent
history of dairy farming is well-documented, but there is very little in the
way of archaeological evidence to attest to its origins. Transhumance (seasonal
migration of livestock between pastures) leaves few traces, and the problem is
compounded by acidic soils that lead to the deterioration of faunal remains.
Milk production in lowland
settings in Europe is documented from the Early Neolithic, and ceramic sieves
for separating curds and whey are evidence for the production of cheese and
fermented milk products by populations that were still predominantly lactose
intolerant. In the Alpine lowlands, there is evidence for dairy farming in the
form of lipid residues on pottery vessels from around 6,000 BC. However, it was
at this stage part of a generalised mixed farming economy that also included meat
From around 3000 BC, it has been
speculated that dairy farming intensified as there was a greater reliance on ‘secondary’
animal products such as wool and milk, and greater utilisation of poorer and
less accessible land. As noted above, the limited supporting archaeological evidence
is not unexpected. Seasonal occupation of high-altitudes intensified from around
2500 BC to 1000 BC and large dry stone enclosures were constructed during this
period. They are thought to be livestock pens, but the scarcity of artefacts or
faunal remains means that there is no definite clues as to their function. The
only ceramics to have been recovered from these sites are small, highly
fragmented potsherds.
To investigate further,
researchers obtained 30 securely-dated potsherds from six highland
archaeological sites of the Engadin region of southern Switzerland. The sites
dated from 5000 to 1000 BC. The region is typical of the alpine environment, with
valley bottoms above 1,000 m above sea level and high seasonal pastures ranging
from around 2,000 m to 2,800 m above sea level. Five of the sites were more
than 2,000 m above sea level. They include early Neolithic and Bronze Age
rock-shelters and a later Iron Age stone enclosure and hut.
Lipids were successfully
extracted in varying amounts from the potsherds, with all the Iron Age pots
yielding much higher quantities. Analysis of the lipids using gas chromatography
mass spectrometry revealed profiles typical of degraded animal fats. Several
Bronze Age and Iron Age potsherds contained ketones with chain lengths
consistent with heating of saturated fatty acids, suggesting that the pots were
used for heating animal products.
Carbon stable isotope analysis
was then applied to fatty acids obtained from 28 of the potsherds. The milk of
ruminants and to a lesser extent carcass fat of ruminants, is depleted in 13C
relative to other fatty acids. Values obtained were then compared with those
obtained from dairy, ruminant and non-ruminant sources. It was found that
values for lipids obtained from the Iron Age potsherds were consistent with
dairy products. By contrast, the earlier Neolithic and Bronze Age potsherds
yielded values consistent with ruminant and non-ruminant animal fats. Dairy
farming was identified at all of the Iron Age sites included in the study.
Thus it appears that while
low-altitude dairy farming was present from the Neolithic onwards, specialist
Alpine dairy farming was a later development. Iron Age alpine pastoralists
would have had to face adverse and unpredictable weather, and a significant
reduction in the yield and quality of milk. It is likely that pressure on lowland
pastures and an increased demand for alpine cheese were motivating factors.
This in turn was probably triggered by social and economic changes,
deterioration of the climate, and demographic growth during the Late Bronze Age
and the Early Iron Age.
Carrer, F. et al., Chemical Analysis of Pottery Demonstrates Prehistoric Origin for High-Altitude Alpine Dairying. PLoS One 11 (4), DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0151442 (2016).
Carrer, F. et al., Chemical Analysis of Pottery Demonstrates Prehistoric Origin for High-Altitude Alpine Dairying. PLoS One 11 (4), DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0151442 (2016).
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